Almarai Company won the Capital Raising Award for the two different deals, International Sukuk Regs USD750 million in July 2023 and Medium-Term Loan SAR1,700 million in September 2022, at the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) Middle East Treasury Award 2023, for the quality of its management and their excellence in securing the financing in Debt Capital Market (DCM) and Medium-Term Loan (MTL) with local banks.
Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) is the chartered professional body for treasury and the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter.
It is worth noting that Almarai had won the Best Islamic Loan Award for the year 2023 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the deals concluded in 2022, within the Triple A Asset Awards for Islamic Finance, which is one of the most prestigious awards in the field for banking, finance, treasury, and capital markets.